
Vietnam to boost Xiem coconut

Vietnam’s province of Ben Tre will develop its well-known Xiem coconut through increased market value and new farming technologies as the product is not competitive in the world market, particularly with Thailand as the latter has higher quality and lower production costs.  Ben Tre, known for its 70,000 hectares of coconut land, harvests around 600

‘Food city’ likely to be off coast of Singapore

A self-sustaining ‘future food city’, featuring a mixed crop cultivation of vegetables, seaweed and fish, could be established off the coast of Singapore. Combining hydroponics and aquaculture farming technologies, the Oceanus Aquapolis City will be an environmentally-friendly, multi-storey floating and closed-contained farming platform. It will build  on unused sea space, becoming a solution to land-intensive

China’s demand for food a boon for Southeast Asian exporters

“Rising demand for high-quality agricultural products in China has created more markets for Southeast Asian exporters, according to a report by the Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Benefiting from China’s growing appetite,  countries  in the region, including Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, are exporting more tropical fruits, while strong growth in Chinese demand

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