CFA Briefer Food for all

Food for all: Current realities, challenges, and prospects of global food security

This article explores global food security, highlighting key challenges and opportunities in food accessibility, sustainability, and resilience. It examines factors affecting production and distribution, addresses pressing issues in food systems, and offers insights into strategies for a more secure and sustainable future. by Marie Annette Dacul, Executive Director, Center for Food and Agri Business, UA&P FOOD

Agricultural Credit in the Philippines

Financing the fields: The current state of agricultural credit in the Philippines

This insightful piece explores agricultural financing challenges and opportunities, focusing on credit availability and accessibility for farmers and agribusinesses. It examines the state of agricultural credit, existing financial programs, lending trends, and funding barriers while highlighting innovative solutions to drive sustainable growth. A must-read for those invested in Philippine agriculture! by Joy Kristel L. Orzales,

Philippine Agriculture 2024-2025: Performance, Outlook and Strategic Insights

This comprehensive article examines agriculture scenarios for 2024-2025, exploring the sector’s emerging roles and growth opportunities. It highlights the role of food and agriculture in addressing today’s pressing issues, reviews the performance of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in 2024, provides a growth outlook for 2025, and uncovers new roles and growth areas within the sector.

CFA Dairy Industry in the Philippines

The Philippine Dairy Industry

By JARU JERICO OLIVARESAgribusiness Specialist, Center for Food and Agri Business, UA&P MILK AND OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS are considered an important addition to the diet and nourishment of children and adults. They contain essential macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as micronutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, calcium, and magnesium. Milk and its

CFA Briefer

Rice-ing to the challenge

by SENEN U. REYESFormer Executive Director, Center for Food and Agri Business, UA&P OVER THE DECADES, the performance of the rice industry has been a traditional barometer ofthe success or failure of Philippine agriculture in many government administrations. Rice has been dubbed as a political crop and remains to be the single most important crop

Food and Agribusiness Conference

2024 Mid-Year Food and Agribusiness Conference

The 2024 Mid-Year Food and Agribusiness Conference is here! The University of Asia and the Pacific – Center for Food and Agri Business – CFA invites everyone to the 2024 Mid-Year Food and Agribusiness E-Conference entitled “Cultivating Prospects in Philippine Food and Agribusiness: Industry Outlook and Challenges” on July 10, 2024 at 1:00 PM via

Narratives from agribusiness experts II

MAPPING THE FUTURE Narratives from agribusiness experts II By: Rolando T. Dy – @inquirerdotnet Philippine Daily Inquirer / 04:59 AM May 01, 2017 In my previous piece under the similar title, Dave, my friend and global trade expert, discussed many aspects of trade in mango, garlic and onions. Dave wanted to be anonymous so that

Be informed about agriculture and rural poverty

Written by Prof. Rolando T. Dy of the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P), “Agribusiness and Rural Progress: Actions for Poverty Reduction” contains 86 articles that cover the global and ASEAN fronts, local and regional perspectives, rural development, governance, and commodity focus. The book espouses that a dynamic, progressive and inclusive economy is anchored on

Agricultural Economics 001

MAPPING THE FUTURE By: Rolando T. Dy – @inquirerdotnet Philippine Daily Inquirer / 01:56 AM April 17, 2017 Of late, I was struck by a commentator who said that farm productivity was not that important. That farm net income is. This is difficult to reconcile as the two are related. In my decades of observing