
Vietnam: Lower pepper prices, a cause for concern

Industry leaders have called on anxious pepper farmers to remain calm and refrain from selling their produce at low prices, saying the current price plunge is most likely a fleeting phenomenon.Vietnamese pepper exports now account for nearly 50 per cent of global output. You can read the original article at

Why You Need to Ignore the Latest Flawed Study Demonizing Coconut Oil

The media is off to the races, blacklisting coconut oil again. Seems like every year there is another study contradicting the study before. First coconut oil was bad, then it was good, then it turned bad again. But is this really about coconut oil? Or is it just a scapegoat? You can read the original article at

Indonesia’s Natural Rubber Industry

Indonesia has a low level of productivity per hectare compared to its ASEAN competitors. This is in large part due to the general older age of its rubber trees in combination with low investment capability of the smallholder farmers. Whereas Thailand produces 1,800 kilogram (kg) of rubber per hectare per year, Indonesia only manages to

Food sector comprises one third of all manufacturing in Australia

Australia’s food and grocery sector turnover totalled $125.9 billion in 2014-15, comprising: Food and beverage processing $103.2 billion Grocery (non-food) manufacturing $16.9 billion Fresh produce (minimally transformed) $5.9 billion The defined industry represents 33.3 per cent of total Australian manufacturing by turnover with a combined value added of approximately $32.0 billion in 2014-15. The total value

Rice import restriction extended

THE Philippines is keeping the quantitative restriction on rice purchases in place for three more years, limiting supplies from major sellers like Thailand and Vietnam, according to an executive order released on Monday. The maximum volume of rice that private traders can ship in annually will remain at 805,200 tons until 2020, with the tariff

Vietnam expects healthy growth for seafood exports in 2017

The value of Vietnam’s seafood exports is expected to increase by 5 percent this year to around USD 7.5 billion (EUR 7 billion) despite having to overcome many potential hurdles, according to the Vietnam Association of Seafood Producers and Exporters (VASEP). You can read the whole article here: