Agribusiness Executives' Program

Application is now open for AEP!

The Center for Food and Agri Business is now receiving applications for the Agribusiness Executives’ Program batch 2018.

The Agribusiness Executives’ Program (AEP) is a   6-month Certificate Program designed to develop the managerial, analytical and strategic thinking skills of executives and managers.

 Both content and design are based on a comprehensive needs analysis and innovative design process done in collaboration with agribusiness industry practitioners and experts.


 ¨ Develop analytical and decision-making skills for managing food and agri-related businesses
¨ Apply management tools of benchmarking and competitiveness analyses
¨ Provide an in-depth understanding of global markets and supply/value chains
¨ Strengthen leadership competence
¨ Update core management skills and capabilities


 ¨Highly integrated program consisting of six modules
¨ Three-day classes every month (Thursday to Saturday)
¨ Lectures by leading agribusiness experts, industry practitioners and guest lecturers
¨ An action-learning approach, with emphasis on skills development and application of learnings to field-based projects and organizations

 · Case methodThrough the use of realistic case studies,  this method will challenge participants to revise approaches to strategic decision-making, question long-held assumptions, develop personal capabilities and acquire new tools to become a successful business leader.
· Peer learningThrough intense peer interaction and exchanging ideas.  The power of dialogue and teamwork in dealing successfully with the challenges of the job.
· VarietyThe program also comprises lectures, simulations, and breakout sessions. 
· LecturesDelivered by leading agribusiness expertsindustry practitioners and guest lecturers.



Broaden your horizon and expertise.  Exposure to global, regional and domestic trends and market dynamics to enhance strategic capabilities and planning.
Strengthen your core management skills.  Deeper understanding of the general management tools to execute for greater effectiveness and impact on organizational roles.
Shape your companies’ future.  Deepen understanding of value chain and competitiveness, expand perspective and insights that will drive the company’s future. 
Earn UA&P Alumni Status.  AEP Graduates are considered alumni of the UA&P and are eligible for lifetime membership with endless opportunities for further learning, networking, and enjoyment.


 Upon completion of the program, the participant receives a Certificate of Completion from UA&P.