CFA Briefer Milkfish industry in the Philippines

CFA Briefer: Bangus in Focus: A Snapshot of the Industry

By JOY KRISTEL ORZALESAgribusiness Specialist, Center for Food and Agri Business, UA&P BANGUS (MILKFISH) has long been a staple in Filipino diets, valued for its mild flavor, excellent nutritional value, and cultural significance. It is the top fish commodity produced in the country.  In 2023, value of production amounted to PhP45.9 billion, equivalent to 13.9

CFA Briefer on ASEAN Agricultural Productivity

CFA Briefer: An Analysis of ASEAN Agricultural Productivity

by MATTEO GABRIELE CELDRAN, Student Intern from Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, US and MARIE ANNETTE DACUL, Executive Director, UA&P Center for Food and Agri Business AGRICULTURE OUTPUT in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region has grown significantly during the past four decades because of improvements in agricultural productivity. Increases in agricultural productivity

Read FAM anytime and anywhere

The Food and Agri Business Monitor is now available in epub, pdf and online formats. Whether you are using your ebook reader, laptop, mobile phone or desktop, the FAM will surely be readable. Be updated and read industry insights from agribusiness experts.  Featured articles and industry analyses that are carefully written by our staff are also

Be Informed and Updated!

The Center for Food and Agri Business is proud to offer the digital format of the publication, Food and Agri Business Monitor (FAM).  Released twice a month, the FAM features industry articles with colorful infographics and updates as well as commentaries from agribusiness experts. The FAM also monitors monthly prices such as regional and Metro

A new book will be out tomorrow!

A new book that calls for action on poverty reduction through a revitalized agribusiness sector will be out soon. Written by Prof. Rolando T. Dy of the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P), “Agribusiness and Rural Progress: Actions for Poverty Reduction” contains 86 articles that cover the global and ASEAN fronts, local and regional perspectives,