Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA)

Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) 33 per cent stake, as the single largest shareholder in Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd (FGV) is now represented with the appointment of three new directors (New Straits Times, July13, 2017). FGV is the world’s largest palm oil producer and oil palm plantation operator, based on planted hectares. You can read

Vietnam: Lower pepper prices, a cause for concern

Industry leaders have called on anxious pepper farmers to remain calm and refrain from selling their produce at low prices, saying the current price plunge is most likely a fleeting phenomenon.Vietnamese pepper exports now account for nearly 50 per cent of global output. You can read the original article at http://vietnamnews.vn/economy/377061/pepper-farmers-urged-to-keep-calm-and-carry-on.html#SpyiZCCcpBy4RSSX.99

Why You Need to Ignore the Latest Flawed Study Demonizing Coconut Oil

The media is off to the races, blacklisting coconut oil again. Seems like every year there is another study contradicting the study before. First coconut oil was bad, then it was good, then it turned bad again. But is this really about coconut oil? Or is it just a scapegoat? You can read the original article at http://observer.com/2017/06/new-study-coconut-oil-ldl-cholesterol-levels/